Michele Shares Her Experiences Of The Miracle Man Known As JOHN OF GOD
Michele Denise could not have imagined the amazing ways her life was about to change when, in 2004, she was first handed a book about John of God. “I felt an instant magnetism to this spiritual healer in Brazil. I read the book with fascination and when I closed it I said aloud, ‘I am going to do tours there.’
I had previously owned a travel agency and booked group tours but this spoke to my soul. I felt full of passion and began planning my trip there,” explains Michele. Though now famous from the media surrounding Wayne Dyer’s healing with John of God from leukemia and a subsequent visit by Oprah, at the time the gifted healer was not well known. Now, 10 years later, Denise says her life revolves around her practice of offering John of God crystal light bed sessions and leading group tours to Brazil to visit this man known as the “Miracle Man.”As a teenager, Joao Teixeira De Faria—now known as John of God—visited a church where he was said to have collapsed and lost consciousness, upon awakening he was told that he had healed all those around him. His gift of healing continued to grow stronger and for the last 40 years he has served others, without charge, at his healing center the Casa De Dom Inacio. Millions of visitors have journeyed to see him there, many for his ability to cure terminal and debilitating illness and mental and emotional healing. As many as half who visit are seekers wishing to expand their spiritual life.
When Michele first visited John of God it was an amazing experience. “I was told I would have what is called an intervention or spiritual surgery.” This is when John of God prays over you for your healing. “Afterwards it felt like so much heaviness had been lifted away. As a child I had witnessed traumatic events such as a car wreck and had no idea the impact these memories had on me in my life. After having this clearing I felt so happy and free. It truly was incredible how different I felt. I was then shown that I was to bring one of the crystal healing beds from his center back to the United States. John of God blessed me to begin a practice and told me it would be part of my own spiritual evolution while helping others.” Michele has since added a second crystal bed to her practice and leads tours to Brazil as an authorized tour guide to the Casa healing center.
Michele says when people come to experience the crystal bed they each have very personal experiences. While lying on the massage table seven clear quartz crystals with the corresponding color are aligned over the chakras. The client relaxes to peaceful music and the combination of crystal and color therapy opens and balances the chakras while clearing blocks in the energy field. It is common for an individual to have profound physical, emotional and spiritual healings. “I have seen clients have healings from a variety of issues including arthritis, asthma, depression and emotional challenges and more. Many come for the beautiful feeling of peace, relaxation and spiritual expansion. I believe the crystal bed is an amazing tool for anyone and I love watching people’s lives change as they continue to use it.”
When Michele leads tours to Brazil to see John of God it is a powerful life-changing experience for most people. Visitors often feel like their heart has opened and experience a deep sense of love and peace. Many people feel a great release from grief or loss. It is such a beautiful and personal journey for each person. She believes anything that does not support us can be cleared away resulting in health, happiness, finding our true purpose and a closer connection to God. She organizes tours to Brazil several times a year and accompanies each group to offer guidance on meeting with John of God, as well as all hotel and transportation needs and additional support throughout the tour. They also visit John of God’s sacred waterfall and experience a crystal bed session at the Casa. It is usually hard for visitors to put into words the magical experience of visiting John of God. These sacred pilgrimages change people’s lives. They truly are a trip of a lifetime for those who visit.
For more information on joining a tour or having a crystal bed session please visit www.crystalhealingbed.com or contact Michele Denise directly at 828 423-1482.