am Amazon
Who live the Cycles of the Wheel of Life, I am and have honored the
Divine Girl-Child/the Daughter, the Maiden, Mother/Creatrix, and She
Who Sustains and Nurtures Her Creations. Now I discover She Who Protects,
She Who Defends, She Who Activates, She Who Fights for Life, for Women,
for WomanKind, for Humanity, the Earth, and the Universe.
am no longer the protected, but the Protector. I Protect that which
has been Created, Sustained, and Nurtured. I will valiantly defend all
that is innocent, and especially the Daughter, the Girl-Child energy
of the World. She is the source of all my/our inspiration. I will defend
Life-affirming ways and those who Create from that Place. I will watch
over as She Sustains and Nurtures Life.
am also the scout. The pathfinder, the trailblazer. I am She Who will
stand up and be counted. I insist on being heard and wont take
no for an answer. I have single-minded concentration when needed and
enlist my deepest resources and will fight to the death for freedom.I
am your wild nature, She Who must have Freedom.
am the Woman Who takes her powers of freedom, activism, strength, and
independence. Doest that sound man-like to you? Ha! Only
those who do not know what a woman is and can be would say such a thing!
I know the ways a woman can be!
fruits of self-determination suit me for a special kind of leadership.
I am inspired by Spirit to be truly and wholly myself, and as such,
I become truly inspirational to others. Now, that, my dear friends,
is true Power. Not power-over, but the power to inspire others. Inspire
means to give breath or life to and I do that just by being myself.
Who I am. Therefore, I must know who I am. One must know oneself in
order to wield power effectively and responsibly
lead by purity of intent. I encourage forthright self-expression in
everyone I meet. I urge others to take their power, as I have, to benefit
leadership in the nurturing and sustaining phase of the Cycle, which
laments imperfections and seeks to repair what is troubled or broken,
leadership in my phase is simple and direct, based on telling the truth
and taking action and moving on. Personal integrity is the only real
foundation for helping others. And I embody that for wimmin.
is a time, you know, for moving beyond nurturing. There is a time that
other than nurturing actions are called for. Mine is the time for that.
seek and find egalitarian relationships, where I remain at the center.
I may be in relationships but that is not my only focus. I am not a
virgin in order to be alone, but in order to be with others without
entanglements. Partners and sex are for self-realization and growth,
not procreation. I am lusty. I am Lusty for Life.
form and forge new bonds, friendships, and intimacies with wimmin.
go beyond the normal definitions of reality to find both
freedom and support.
appear at all ages of life. I often appear during the second half of
life. A time of rebirth. I recreate my independent nature. To fully
embrace the potential of all that I am I must transcend social constraints
that keep wimmin forever in the nurturing role. I do that by setting
aside time for myself and by remembering all my reasons for being here.
I am the one Who whispers: you need time alone to think, time to focus
on self.
am also here to right wrongs. Especially wrongs done to wimmin. I love
woman, women, wimmin, WomanKind. I am her champion and unashamed of
this! Woman is worthy of my allegiance.
can see why the patriarchy fears me
and has sought to destroy me
only physically, but to wipe me from your psyche...and make you despise
me, mistrust me, to see me as selfish, not a real woman,
and so on
I tell you, I am here out of Love, fierce love, for you, for myself,
for the girls, for all womankind, for the planet, and the world. And,
I will not be denied. I will not be relegated to myth or to name-calling.
I am and always will be.
be!The Amazon(A poetic response by WomanWhoFollowsHerHeart based upon
reading about the Amazon in The Womans Wheel of Life: 13 Archetypes
of Woman at Her Fullest by Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard.)
Ph.D., Pr. (aka WomanWhoFollowsHerHeart) is founder and Priestess of
WHISPER, a non-profit organization, and affiliate of the Reformed Congregation
of the Goddess, now in its 12th year, that offers classes, events, performances,
and rituals that explore and honor womens spirituality, and particularly,
feminist and goddess spiritualities. She is also the Director of WHISPERs
Sacred Mystery School for Women, one of just a few formal programs of
its kind in the country, which includes monthly celebrations honoring
the Seasons of the natural world (also known as the Wheel of the Year)
and the corresponding seasons of womens lives.
[ [email protected];
828-277-1513 ]